torsdag 11 mars 2010

Strawberry fields forever

Right now is the perfect season for strawberries in Beijing. I never buy them at our local store. There they are both expensive and ugly. I go to the countryside to buy them. There you can see plenty of greenhouses standing in never ending rows and inside you will find the most perfect and healthiest growing strawberries on earth. And cheap! Gotta have it! Everyday now. Yummy!

onsdag 3 mars 2010

Yay! Champagne cures it all!

So, instead of doing important stuff, I am finally sitting here blogging. My migraine is now gone, in fact I had one more attack last week, Tuesday-Wednesday. On Thursday however, I was attending a fabulous Champagne luncheon. Who can possibly have a bad day when there is all champagne you can drink lunch?

Now here is a shoe you don't get soar feet from!

Along with some comfy food you fell so much better!

Note: This is not going to be my migraine diary. Not at all.